Recalls for your 1988 Ford Bronco

Recalls for 1988 Ford Bronco

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On this warm May 7th ,2024 morning, we see the reporter for The Hazzard Range Bulletin, Eve Cooper talking with local rancher Sid Roseski outside Harrison's Hardware Sparta store. Eve is covering Forestry problems, some locals know about, but mostly affects the western part of the county
where residents deal with it on a daily basis. Western part of Hazzard Range County is made up
from The Hazzard Range National Forest, and is still home to some ranches and small
subdivisions along with a few ghost towns. Over the last 40+ years Hazzard Range County
residents have been dealing with more and more government regulations reintroducing
Endangered Species under the Endangered Species Act like Mexican Grey Wolf and
mismanagement of forest land just to name a few things.
While a lot of people think these issues dont affect them, they affect everything from food chain
supply to watershed issues from forest fires and flooding of burn scars for years to come. The
Bulletin hopes to shed some light on these issues that local residents face, even though the
more populated places of the county like Sparta, the county seat or Eagle Lake arent nearly as


Posted on: 1996-05-01
The ignition switch could experience an internal short circuit.

This condition could cause overheating, smoke, and possibly fire in the steering column area of the vehicle.

Corrective Action
Dealers will replace the ignition switch.

System: electrical; ignition switch.  Vehicle description: passenger and multi-purpose vehicles and light duty trucks.  Note: owners who take their vehicles to an authorized dealer on an agreed upon service date and do not receive the free remedy within a reasonable time, should contact ford at 1-800-392-3673.  Also contact the national highway traffic safety administration's auto safety hotline at 1-800-424-9393.