Recalls for your 1988 Prevost H3-40

Recalls for 1988 Prevost H3-40

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Dufresne 320 near TCV

kellergraham posted a photo:

Dufresne 320 near TCV

Dufresne 320:
Prevost H3-40 Coach Bus

On CIT du Haut-Saint-Laurent Route 1 Montreal / Huntingdon


Posted on: 1992-03-10
The force required to release the emergency exit window exceeds twenty pounds.

The window release does not meet the requirements offmvss 217.  Inability to open an emergency exit increases the risk of injury topassengers on the vehicle in the event of an accident.

Corrective Action
Adjust the threaded locks in the window frame for proper engagement of window with release mechanism.

System: visual systems: emergency exit windows; fmvss 217.vehicle description: buses; built between march 1988 and february 1992.